understanding quantum mechanics

Solving the mysteries of quantum mechanics.


Part I

The Basic Concepts of Quantum Mechanics

*Chapter 2, the 'visualizing' part of Ch. 4, and especially Ch. 6 are necessary as
background for understanding all the other material.

Ch. 1 Introduction.
A1.1 The three basic mathematical principles of quantum mechanics.
Ch. 2 * The mysteries of quantum mechanics. Interpretations.
Ch. 3 Classical Newtonian physics.
Ch. 4* The wave function. The hydrogen atom.
Ch. 5 Light as a wave.
A5.1 Interference.
A5.2 The Mach-Zehnder interferometer.
A5.3 The polarization of photons.
Ch. 6* Versions of reality. The half-silvered mirror.
A6.1. Spin and the Stern-Gerlach Experiment.
A6.2 Kets, state vectors, and wave functions.
Ch. 7 Schrödinger's cat. Materialism .
Ch. 8 Probability.
A8.1 Unitarity.
A8.2 'Derivation' of the coefficient squared probability law.
Ch. 9 Summary of Part I.

Part II.

No evidence for particles

Ch. 10 Each quantum version of reality is an isolated universe.
A10.1 Each branch is a separate, isolated universe.
Ch. 11. Perception of only one version of reality.
A11.1. The preferred basis problem.
Ch. 12. Particle-Like Properties of Matter. Mass, spin, charge.
A12.1 Invariance of an operator.
A12.2 Basic elements of representation theory.
A12.3 The allowed values of spin.
A12.4 gravity and quantum mechanics.
Ch. 13. Parts of a Wave Function.
A13.1. Technicalities of parts of a wave function.
Ch. 14. Perceived Locality in quantum mechanics.
A14.1 Localized perception from a spread-out wave function.
A14.2 The Smeared-out Baseball Problem.
Ch. 15. Particle-like trajectories. Classical if-then logic.
Ch. 16. Bell-like experiments and non-locality.
A16.1 Sketch of the Bell-Aspect reasoning and results.
A16.2. The double-slit quantum eraser experiment.
Ch. 17. No evidence for objectively existing particles.
A17.1 Derivation of classical mechanics from quantum mechanics.
A17.2 The Uncertainty Principle.

Part III.

Probability. Problems with interpretations

Ch. 18. Problems with probability in linear quantum mechanics.
A18.1 A linear time translation operator cannot yield the probability law.
Ch. 19. Collapse interpretations.
A19.1. No collapse by conscious perception.
A19.2 The GRW-Pearle Mathematical Collapse Model.
A19.3. The Experimental Situation for Collapse.
A19.4 Gravitational models of collapse.
Ch. 20. Hidden Variable Interpretations.
A20.1. Mathematical details of the Bohm hidden variable model.
Ch. 21. Survey of interpretations.

Part IV

A theory underlying quantum mechanics.

Not yet completed. See arXiv:quant-ph/0903.3160, Group representational clues to a theory underlying quantum mechanics and particularly arXiv:quant-ph/1310.1295 What do kets represent?

Part V

An interpretation of last resort

Not yet completed. Go to the older version, Sec. 29, in "Contents from previous version" for an incomplete treatment. See also arXiv:quant-ph/1001.3080, A primer on quantum mechanics and its interpretations, Sec. 9, for a preliminary investigation.



©2014 Casey Blood, All Rights Reserved
understanding quantum mechanics by casey blood